Chiropractic Testimonials – Detox

The Chiropractor At Castlebury Contact Us: (208) 428-4290 3225 W. Bavaria St. #101, Eagle, Idaho 83616 Mon: 10:00am – 1:00pm & 3:00pm – 6:00pm Tue: 3:00pm – 6:00pm Wed & Thu: 10:00am – 1:00pm & 3:00pm – 6:00pm Fri: 10:00am – 11:00am

I was seeing him first for chiropractic and then he talked about, and I seen a thing on the program for detoxing your body and getting healthy. I went to the seminar and wanted to give it a try. I wasn’t feeling well. I had bouts of depression, couldn’t sleep at night, couldn’t lose weight, and I had a lot of pain from rheumatoid arthritis and kidney problems, and I wanted to get healthy.

My experience was fabulous. The one, it was like in August of 23, I realized this is what I wanted. So I turned around and first gave up sugar and couldn’t believe what that did. And so as I started the process, I started getting to where I could sleep at night. I started losing weight again, and I was able to.

Get healthy and follow the plan. And I turned around and was able to get off of all of my rheumatoid arthritis medicines, but one. So that’s the only one I’m taking now. And I had gone to my doctor. My primary care had blood work and he looked at everything and he said that I have the blood work of a 20 year old and I couldn’t have accomplished that without this program.

It’s wonderful, I’m healthy, I’ve lost weight, I’m thinner than I’ve ever been and I’ve got more energy than I’ve ever had and I would recommend this for anybody.

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