Relief Without The Twists, Pops, + Cracks

Feeling hesitant about chiropractic’s cracks and pops? We really get it! That’s why we offer an alternate adjustment method that provides the same relief without the pops. Ready to give it a try? We’d love to see you in our Eagle office! πŸ™Œ If you or anyone you know is dealing with pain, we are here to help! β€’β€’β€’β€’ Car crash?Β πŸš— CALL IMMEDIATELY! β€’β€’β€’β€’ πŸ₯ The Chiropractor At Castlebury πŸ—ΊοΈ 3225 W. Bavaria St. #101, Eagle, Idaho 83616 πŸ“ž (208) 428-4290

πŸ“ πŸ“ Have you ever experienced back pain, neck pain, headaches, and you’re just tired of popping pills, knowing that it’s just temporary relief at best, and they’re probably causing more harm than good anyways, and a family member or friend has recommended chiropractic to you,

but you just can’t muster up

the courage to have somebody twist,

pop or crack your spine.

What if I told you that it can be done differently? In fact, in our office, we use many different techniques and the one we use the most. is instrument adjusting, and it’s called activator, and we use this instrument to make the adjustments. The difference between the two is speed versus force. This instrument moves about 200 times faster than I can, and because of that increased speed, we can use much less force so you can get the same relief results without the twist and the pop.

So if you’re ready to get to the root cause of your problem, and have it last and get the results of chiropractic without the twist and the pop. Find a chiropractor that’s certified in activator protocol and get the relief you’re looking for.

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